I obviously love cars. Its a passion. No matter what kind of car it is, if its mine I'll take care of it as if it were a concourse classic special (a concourse is a kind of car exhibit/event where cars are kept in their most pristine and original form either through restoration or simply being kept in very original shape through sheer (meticulous) storage alone. Not an easy thing when you count the time in decades).
Anyway, I count myself lucky that -although my car may not be a priceless classic- its still a special machine: I drive a mark1 Mazda MX-5. A Miata (that's what they're called in the US) if you will. My dear little brat of a roadster is named Tifosi Blanca -rather androgynous sounding I must admit but I do believe my car's a he.
Tifosi and I got started on the long journey to raodster bliss when I aqcuired him as a second hand purchase from a very agreeable Frenchman named Pierre Banex. The car was immaculately stock (no modifications) and had almost no mileage.
Years later (and a host of modifications along the way) you would hardly recognize old little Tif from the moment he first parked in my garage. I love this little sports car. The MX-5 is one of the few sporting cars that are designed and built to traditional sportscar standards: small, light and accessible in both price and performance. Anyone can drive it and feel like a hero.
Speaking of concourse events, it seems my efforts in treating Tif like a real concourse machine has paid off: the Miata Club of the Philipines (MCP) of which I am a proud member, held a concourse event in Splendido Country Club one Christmas. It was exlusively for Miatas. The (then) president even used a photo he snapped of Tif in Subic during one of the race weekends for the invitation.
Guess who won first place.
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